You'll never walk alone.

This powerful oneliner is so true.

You simply thread the thin steel plate into your shoelace and your shoejewelry is ready to go!

€ 19,95

Yes, the half marathon!

You are going to do it or have done it, run 21.1 kilometres!

And the Shoetag gives you extra motivation or is a nice reminder that you can carry with you every day.

You simply thread the steel plate into your shoelace.

€ 19,95

42,195 shiny in your shoe.

You wear this shoetag with you during your training sessions and it provides extra motivation while running the full marathon.

Tip: you can also wear it as an bracelet.

€ 19,95

42.195 and you are going to run it!

With your shoetag.

Good luck!

You simply thread the thin iron plate into your shoelace.

€ 19,95

Soon available again.

42.195 it will be!

With this orange shoetag in your shoelace.

Good luck!

€ 19,95

The Amsterdam Marathon is such a great experience. No matter if you run the 8km, the half of the full marathon.

Even if you participate in the hiking event, you will have the day of your life.

This shoetag with the skyline of Amsterdam is a precious memory of your time in the capital of Holland.


€ 19,95

Be stronger than your excuses.

This motivational oneliner is easily threaded into your shoelace to help you through difficult moments during your training.

The plate is made of thin steel.

€ 19,95

Come back stronger.

 If you are injured, remember this motivational oneliner. You will come back stronger.

You simply thread the thin steel plate into your shoelace.

€ 19,95

This is one of the most powerful one-liners!

Don't stop when you're tired, stop when you're done.

The words are going to help you, especially when you're struggling.

The letters are engraved in the steel plate.

You easily thread the shoe jewellery into any lace-up shoe.

€ 19,95

This shoejewelry is perfect for the extra support you sometimes need.

Just put it on your laces and you know: Finishing is your only f*cking option


€ 19,95

Just for you, as an extra motivation. Go get it.

This piece of shoejewelry can easily be threaded into your sports shoes, trainers and even dress shoes.

€ 19,95

This shoejewelry motivates you during your training and competitions. 

You can easily lace the motivator on your shoe.


€ 19,95

This shoejewelry says it all, you are a HAPPYRUNNER.

In a nice and cheerful colour, you can easily attach this piece of running jewellery to your running shoes.

Our shoejewellery are also great to use as running gifts!

€ 19,95

If you think you can't do it anyway.

This powerful oneliner is going to help you achieve your goals!

The shoejewelry is a thin steel plate that you easily wear in your shoe.

€ 19,95

Have you completed the toughest running race in the world, the Marathon des Sables?

Congrats, you have earned this shoetag!

Or are you still going to participate? Then this shoejewelry will motivate you during your toughest moments.

All you want is to finish that MDS!

€ 19,95


Even if conditions are not perfect, they probably won't be.

Why wait? Now, it's time.

€ 19,95

Run with your ♥

This cheerful motiVETER makes sure you do this.

You can easily attach it to your shoelace. Have fun running!

€ 19,95

Work hard for your goals, but have much more fun doing so. Fun also on the way there.

Work hard, play harder.

Put the shoejewelry in your shoe as a friendly reminder.

€ 19,95